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Top 10 Hottest Female eSports Players You Can Find on the Internet
Imagen tomada de la página @iamcristinini

Let’s talk about the hottest eSports players nowadays. Online gaming has opened up and is going through one of the best times in the digital world.

The digital BOOM has allowed for the greatest growth for gamers, influencers, and YouTubers, among others, who were once viewed with suspicion; people once refused to accept that video game players could organize themselves to compete in championships – you know, like what happens in any other sport. Among them, some real hotties have entered the world of gaming and they are here to stay.

The Hottest Female ESports Players You Should Start Following

The hottest eSports players | Top 10
Image taken from the @arigameplays page.

Today, we will be talking specifically about the hottest eSports players that stand out not only for their performance, but also because they are freaking hot.


The first on our hot list is Abril Abdamari Garza Alonso, who is better known in the world of gamers and streamers as Arigameplays. Ari is one of the most beautiful eSports players and that has led her to become popular also on social networks, where on Instagram, for example, she has about 11.6 million followers. In June 2018, she posted a picture with gamer Rubius on her Instagram account. You can check it on her feed. Meanwhile, we leave this pic for you to enjoy:

This Mexican began her YouTube channel in July 2014. She began pursuing a career in communications in 2015. She has promoted herself, especially through Twitch and YouTube, she usually plays Minecraft, Resident Evil, Planet Coaster, Fortnite, Counter Strike and Overwatch. Perhaps you might find her in a Minecraft world and you can strike up a conversation, you never know! Everything is possible and is worth trying, right?

Windy Girk

The second hottie on our list is Katherine Cal Afú who is well known for showcasing her love for gaming, anime, technology and cosplay on her YouTube channel Windy GirkTV. Since she started she became a phenomenon of visits and reproductions while playing Free Fire. In addition, she usually takes advantage of her great beauty to make eye-catching and heart-stopping content.

Windy is a lover of anime, technology and cosplay, all of which she shows through her social platforms: Her cosplay content on Instagram earned her 2.8 million followers and she has earned over 3.4 million subscribers on her YouTube channel. In fact, she became the first Panamanian YouTuber to reach the 1 million subscriber milestone. She is also recognized for being a Minecraft player especially and a champion competitive gamer in Mario Kart Wii. It would have been a crime not to include this stunning hottie on this hottest female eSports players list. Don’t you think?

Sara Biyín

In the third place on our hottest female eSports players list, we find Sara Biyín, also known as BJean. She is a streamer who has become very popular in the last few years, she is originally from Galicia, Spain. She has gained massive popularity for her tattooed and grungy fashion style modeling alongside lifestyle photos. She is also known for streaming video game content on her popular biyin_ Twitch account. Sara began to be recognized for appearing in the live shows of AuronPlay, which has worldwide recognition and this helped Sara a lot. Also in 2019, she attended E3 in Los Angeles, California alongside AuronPlay, Rubius, aLexBY11 and Mangel.

BJean is completely dedicated to playing and modeling, she has a great charisma that comes naturally to her, which helps her with her livestreams. She often livestreams Minecraft on her Twitch account. She is also known for playing some unpopular video games.


Lia is a YouTuber who is better known by her pseudonym SSSniperWolf and is our hottie number 4. She has become one of the most important video game streamers who has specialized in Call of Duty gameplay videos as well as reaction videos, anime, and video game character cosplays. She started making Call of Duty gameplays and in 2020, she began focusing more on TikTok-related videos on her YouTube channel, commenting on viral TikTok videos and popular trends on the app. Nowadays, she has positioned herself in many of the most popular shooter rankings of our time.

She has a great ability with the mouse that has made her face the most PRO opponents, although she is currently more dedicated to reactions, she is still one of the toughest. It was almost impossible not to give her a spot on this list. Don’t you think?


iHasCupquake is a great singer who started uploading her first web videos at the suggestion of her husband. Now, she is also one of the female representatives among representatives in gaming. She became famous for her great Minecraft skills in 2013 and since then has only grown in skills and followers. Her iHasCupquake YouTube channel has earned over 6 million subscribers.

She is another of those who are currently dedicated mostly to reactions and also sharing her life. Although she has also dedicated herself to animation, she hasn’t stopped posting gameplays. She uploads videos to her iHasCupquake, Tiffyquake, and WeAreMishMish channels. She is definitely one of the hottest female eSports players, isn’t she?

Patty Dragona

Patty Dragona is one of the Spanish-speaking gamers who is currently on fire and has a very promising career ahead of her. She has gained more than 801 million views there for her gaming commentary, montages, and playthroughs, as well as her own personal vlogging adventures and challenges. She has played everything from Clash Royale to Ark Survival Evolved.

She began her YouTube channel in October 2007 and she has 5.52 million subscribers. One of her most popular prank YouTube videos, “Rompo Aguas!!”,(Spanish for “My water breaks”) has amassed more than 450,000 views. Apart from this, on Instagram, she has 958 thousand followers, who keep up with the hot gameplayer’s posts. She usually streams on platforms such as Twitch and YouTube. Patty Dragona definitely belongs to this list of hottest female eSports players.



LittleRagerGirl is also known as Abby, and she is a legendary streamer in the world of League of Legends in Spain, for these reasons and her great level as a gamer is part of the Spanish sSports club Vodafone Giants.

At only 20 years old, she has managed to become quite popular in a very short time, and her success has not only been based on her prodigious skill in LoL as a player, but she is also very charismatic, with a good sense of humor and spectacular beauty. She has accumulated over 260k followers on the streaming platform where she regularly uploads videos relating to her videogames gameplay. She also interacts with her viewers on the chatbox when she is not playing games. Why don’t you give it a go and send her a message? Life is too short not to try! She is also a Twitch partner hence, she regularly streams in order to follow the terms and conditions of Twitch.


Aoria García, better known as Aroyitt, is a young woman who is gathering more and more subscribers even though she started relatively recently, in 2020. Her Grand Theft Auto and Minecraft live streams have helped her garner huge popularity. She has amassed more than 1.7 million followers on her Twitch channel. She has gained more than 900,000 followers on her self-titled Instagram account. Her live-stream Twitch videos receive thousands of viewers at a time. She has attracted attention because she has been part of the team of content creators of the MAD Lions sSports team

On her Twitch channel, you can find all kinds of games and a variety of gameplays. She has a very charismatic personality and she’s also a hottie.


Cristona López is a young Catalan woman with two degrees on her resume, including a degree in computer science, who has become a television presenter and a successful streamer in the same of video games.

She’s extremely popular on Twitch, where she streams games like League of Legends for more than 2.8 million followers. She also plays Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout frequently. Some of her more popular gaming streams on Twitch come from Grand Theft Auto V. Don’t you just love a girl who likes the same video games as us, dudes? She started out specializing as a PRO in League of Legends, but has been trying different types of games over time. Also in April 2016, she uploaded her first YouTube video titled El mundo de las redes sociales (Spanish for “The world of social networks”) and she usually uploads videos like “Si te ríes, pierdes” (Spanish for “You laugh you lose”). In addition, she has gained over 1.4 million followers on her popular Twitter account.

SI TE RÍES PIERDES * XD * | Cristinini


DizzyKitten started streaming in 2013 and she is known for the games she chooses, which are a bit out of the ordinary. She plays Counter-Strike: GO and Super Hexagon and she’s also known for the dancing dolphins that sometimes appear onscreen when she streams.

In her streamings, she usually plays American Truck Simulator, CSGO and Stardew Valley. She was first introduced to video games when she was 11 and saw her brother playing World of Warcraft. She was in school for nursing when first started streaming. She calls her followers, of which there are more than 650,000 on Twitch, her DizzyCats. She has a personality that sets her apart from many others, as well as being quite beautiful and being very kind to everyone she interacts. DizzyKitten closes this list of hottest female eSports players which we compiled especially for you at JefeBet. Come on! Go ahead and subscribe to all of their channels and accounts – if you already haven’t!

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