
Upcoming Events at JefeBet Event Center in November 2022

Get ready with JefeBet Event Center to experience the most exciting month of the year: November. This is a very special time because the Christmas holidays are approaching, and many people are getting ready to cellebrate with parties and social gatherings to close the year in the best way there is.

Therefore, we bring you a list of the best activities to be held at the JefeBet Event Center before the end of the month. Get ready and attend one of them, or, all of them! Why not?

Here are the November 2022 Events at JefeBet Event Center

Haragán y Cía

The November 2022 events at JefeBet Event Center
Photo: Facebook Silver Nugget Casino
  • When: Thursday, November 17
  • Where:2410 Las Vegas Blvd N, North Las Vegas, NV
  • Check-in time: 8 PM
  • Entrance fee: 45 USD
  • Buy your ticket here

To begin with, enjoy this weekend with Haragán y Compañía, they are a rock band coming from Mexico with more than three decades of musical career. This is a group with 17 studio albums and an incredible repertoire. Don’t miss this great opportunity to see them live.

Wagnermania – wrestling

The November 2022 events at JefeBet Event Center
Photo: Facebook Silver Nugget Casino
  • When: Friday, November 18
  • Where: 2410 Las Vegas Blvd N, North Las Vegas, NV
  • Check-in time: 5 PM
  • Entrance fee: 20 – 70 USD
  • Get your ticket at this link

If you love wrestling, we invite you to JefeBet Event Center, where you can enjoy amateur wrestling. The future protagonists of the wrestling rings will be there. This event is suitable for minors and tickets for a meet and greet experience with the wrestlers after the show are available.

Edgardo Núñez – thanksgiving dance

The November 2022 events at JefeBet Event Center
Photo: Facebook Silver Nugget Casino
  • When: Wednesday, November 23
  • Where: 2410 Las Vegas Blvd N, North Las Vegas, NV
  • Check-in time: 9 PM
  • Entrance fee: 70 USD
  • You can buy your seat here

On the other hand, Edgardo Núñez will perform on November 23 for a thanksgiving celebration. This will be an unforgettable concert that you can attend alone or accompanied. This artist is dedicated to norteño and regional Mexican music. Support emerging Latin music in the United States and attend this event.

Multiple Concert

The November 2022 events at JefeBet Event Center
Photo: Facebook Silver Nugget Casino
  • When: Friday, November 25
  • Where: 2410 Las Vegas Blvd N, North Las Vegas, NV
  • Check-in time: 8 PM
  • Entrance fee: 70 – 100 USD
  • Get your ticket

Finally, we will have a really exciting multi-concert with five groups coming from all over Latin America. First, we have Grupo Kual, who are doing their farewell tour, “Sin v de vuelta”; then there is Lira N’ Roll, a Mexican blues and rock band formed in the 90s.

In addition, you will be able to see Super Grupo Colombia, who play cumbia, Grupo Ensamble, who play tropical music and, finally, Los Llayras, experts in cumbia that have 25 years of musical experience.

Attend one of these events at the JefeBet Event Center and let us know how it went!

Do you want more? Follow us on our Instagram and don’t miss out on all the latest news about sports and its protagonists, all here, at JefeBet.

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Written by Camila Vega

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