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Have Fun with the Top 5 Drinking Games for the Qatar 2022 World Cup
juegos de beber de la Copa Mundial para jugar con tus amigos. Créditos: @beerpongjam IG

The World Cup is best experienced among friends because the excitement of watching 32 teams competing to be the best in the world is truly contagious. Being in a room where everyone cheers, screams, gets excited and also sad, depending on whether their team wins or loses, is an experience we should all have.

In this article, we are going to present you 5 Qatar 2022 World Cup drinking games ideas to play with your friends, so you can have an amazing time in this edition of the biggest competition in the world of sports.

Qatar 2022 World Cup Drinking Games to Play with your Friends | Top 5

1. The Slap Cup is one of those old, but good drinking games.

This is one of the World Cup drinking games to play with your friends. All you need is a glass and a ping pong ball. To play, select a surface where it is possible for the ball to bounce, such as a dining room table or pool table. The game consists of introducing the ball into the glass with a bounce on the table. The ball must bounce at least once before entering the glass.

Taking turns, each participant in the game tries to get the ball into the cup. If it fails the first time, the person who failed must drink. The person who gets the ball into the glass keeps the turn until he/she misses. When the player whose turn it is at the end fails, all the balls he/she managed to introduce are counted, and the total number equals the number of times the rest of the participants have to drink.

The player who manages to introduce three balls in a row can invent a new rule or penance. For example, have everyone do 5 frog jumps, have those who fail take off an article of clothing, or confess the strangest place you have ever been with someone.

Slap Cup is one of the best World Cup drinking games to play with your friends.

2. Let’s bet on who will guess the score of today’s game with Flip Cup.

Play with your group of friends to guess the score of a World Cup game. All those who do not guess the score of the game must buy a six-pack of beer. The losers of the bet will take the beers to the next game they agree to watch together.

On the day they gather to watch the game and drink the beers, attendees will participate in the Flip Cup game. In addition to the beer on that day, you will need plastic cups and a table.

The game starts with two teams with an equal number of members. The two groups should stand next to each other at their tables, the members of each group will be next to each other. Each participant will have a full glass of beer in front of them.

The first member of each team will have to drink his beer, put the glass on the edge of the table and with a finger make it jump to turn the glass upside down. Each participant will try to turn the glass over as many times as necessary until he/she succeeds.

Once the participant gets it, he/she passes the turn to the next team member to take his/her glass of beer and then do the same with the glass.

The process will have to be done by all team members, and the first team to achieve a complete round wins. Dare to participate in one of the best World Cup drinking games to play with your friends.

3. Where is the water? This is one of the best World Cup drinking games to play with your friends.

If you are good with tequila and can drink like a champion, this is the game for you.

To play “Where is the water?” you must do the following:

  • Line up several shot glasses on a table.
  • Fill some glasses with tequila (vodka and aniseed liqueur also work quite well) and others with water.
  • Each player has a shot. After they take the drink, they should say “how tasty the water is” in the most convincing voice they can.
  • If there is a player in the room who calls the attention and says that one of his teammates is lying, and he is right, the discovered player must drink another shot, but if he is wrong, the shot is at the expense of the player who called attention.

They can make as many rounds as half-time allows. Enjoy the Qatar 2022 World Cup by playing “Where’s the water?”

4. A drink party to watch the 2022 FIFA World Cup

Plan to watch a World Cup match with your friends, and ask each one to bring a drink inspired by some of the countries participating in this great sporting event. For example, if your preferences are with Argentina, a peach Daiquiri or a Fernet would be great.

On the other hand, if you prefer Brazil, a Caipirinha or a coconut milkshake will not make you look bad.
To await the start of the game and add some fun to the gathering, all guests will participate in a card game.

To play this game, you need the drinks that each guest has brought to the meeting and a deck of cards. Drinks will be served in rounds, i.e., first everyone drinks Caipirinha, then Fernet and so on.

To start the game, the cards are shuffled and stacked face down on a table. The first player will take a card and turn it over. Clockwise, the players will have to say whether the next card will be higher or lower than the card drawn.

Those who don’t get the bet right will have to drink their entire drink, while those who get it right are off the hook. On the other hand, if the card that comes out is the same, all players must drink. You can do as many rounds as you want, but be careful not to get drunk because you have to watch the World Cup match!

5. “Never have I ever” is a classic World Cup drinking game to play with your friends.

“Never have I ever” is a game you’ve probably heard before, in fact you’ve probably played it.

The game begins with each player counting something he has never done and, whoever has done that action, has to drink. Generally, participants find this activity more fun if the experiences are related to sexual events, pranks or daring.

Of course, it all depends on the environment in which you are sharing with your friends. This game can be more fun and interesting when participants have life experience and years of friendship with fellow players.

As the rounds progress, the game can become provocative, so be careful what you do and what you say, we don’t want to generate a split.

Which of these World Cup drinking games to play with your friends is your favorite? Tell us in the comments!

These World Cup drinking games to play with your friends can be played while visiting one of the soccer bars in Fresno to watch the 2022 FIFA World Cup.

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